
Reconsider current Japan from the world wide perspective.

September 20, 2015

Pegasus Festival was held at Tamagawa Gakuen High School on September 19th to 20th. The theme for this year is “Restart – Go forward”. Each exhibition has a hidden message towards visitors: “to go back to basics and making further improvements”.

At the exhibition space where Super Global High School (SGH) is introduced, their past various activities and attractions are shown.


The interesting contents by the program participants such as introduction of SGH program, traditional crafts, and photographs of the countries students have visited in the study tour were on display.



“I have learned how to reconsider myself by interacting with the local people and have keen senses at the local place”
”Things that I experience here, helps my understanding towards the gap between rich and poor in developed, such as Japan, and developing countries”

The students’ comments and impressions that were introduced with the activity reports seemed to be very meaningful. Each one and everyone thought twice about themselves, Japan, and/or the world and definitely earned something from the experience.


In the corner of the exhibition by Global Studies Group about the five research areas of Tamagawa SGH which are poverty, human rights, environment, foreign affairs, and international cooperation. The students were divided into groups of each field and asked the questions they came up with to visitors starting with the phrase “Did you know?”


“In a research of gender equality in different environments in Japan, educational situation had the highest percentage to have the answer ‘equal.’ What had the lowest?”
“How much carbon dioxide does Japan discharge?”

Also there were students’ message in this quizzes along with the festival theme “Restart – Go forward” to reconsider our daily life or the present.


About a year and a half since the start as SGH designated school. Tamagawa SGH program is making a progress adding new contents to the original activities.

From each program, making the students realize the “present” of Japan, expanding individual international perspective while valuing the experience and feeling, the process of thinking what you should do, and how you should be at this present moment was clearly seen in this field of Pegasus Festival.